I’m currently a third year PhD student in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) at MIT. I’m a proud member of the Atomic Architects Research Group, advised by Professor Tess Smidt. I received a master’s degree in Computational and Mathematical Engineering (‘22) and a bachelor’s degree in physics with honors (‘21), both from Stanford University. I’m funded by the Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship.
I’m broadly interested in building algorithms that preserve physical symmetries and aid in our understanding and design of physical systems. Lately, this has led me to explore representing symmetry breaking computationally and designing approximately symmetric models for applications in dynamical systems and materials science. I’m also quite interested in condensed matter physics and applied mathematics. See my Google Scholar and my CV for more information.
Outside of research, I love to hike, backpack, and spend time outdoors. I also am an avid swimmer and a member of the MIT Women’s Chorale.